Technical and Vocational Training Courses


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[1] سولہ اضلاع میں تعلیمی ادارے کھولنے کا نوٹی فکیشن جاری

[2] In Punjab Tevta Reverts to English as medium of instruction for DAE

[3] NAVTTC reserves 30% quota for enrolment of females

[4] NAVTTC Commission to impart technical training to women

[5] Hunar Foundation held a panel discussion for partnership for TVET

[6] vocational training institute offers free courses and trainings to widows

[7] TEVTA Female enrollment doubles in three years

[8] Tevta wanted collaboration with Wales to train youths

[9] کاپی رائٹنگ کی بنیادی چیزیں


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